Welcome to our web site!
On this home page, we'll introduce ourselves and highlight the important areas of the
school lunch program at Canal Winchester Local Schools.
Canal Winchester Schools participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The foodservice program is managed
by Chartwells School Dining on behalf of the district.
We'll use this site to provide the information for parents
and students and explain the services we have to offer. People don't want to spend time figuring out what a school
lunch program is all about, so our home page will highlight the most important features of of the lunch program. We'll
think of the home page as a kind of portal, giving parents and students the information they want at a glance, and
offering lots of links to draw them in to the rest of the site.
Here is a picture of Pyramid Pete and The Creatures:
For the elementary grades, we use Pyramid Pete and The Creatures as representatives of nutrition and healthy
living. This year they will learn about making Balanced Choices.
Foodservice Department is currently has openings for substitute workers for the 2005-2006 school year.
Contact Ken Yant at 920-2649 for more info.
You may also pick up a cafeteria application at the Board Office.